APASL STC on HCV 2016 in Taiwan Website is now available! http://www.apasl-hcv-2016.org/

APASL STC on HCV 2016 in Taiwan Website is now available! http://www.apasl-hcv-2016.org/
Dear, Colleagues, We would like to announce you that we have published a Special Issue on Experimental Models of Liver Injury in Mice in Laboratory Animals. Laboratory Animals is the Official Journal of AFSTAL, ESLAV, FELASA, GV-SOLAS, ILAF, LASA, NVP, SECAL, SGV and SPCAL. All these Associations have exceptional high reputation in the field of Animals Science and Welfare. I have set up this Special Issue with my colleague Professor René H. Tolba, who is the President of the German Society of Laboratory Animals and expert for developing educational media for Laboratory Animal Research. The aim of our initiative was to develop standardized operation procedures (SOPs) and a comprehensive framework … [Read more]
Dear APASL member It is a matter of great satisfaction and joy to inform that the Hepatology International has been recently accepted by Medline for indexing, and soon all the papers will start getting cited on PubMed. This has been a long standing requirement of the APASL members and the academic community of this journal, which has been fulfilled now. The currently published papers can be expected to start appearing on PubMed in 2-3 months’ time. This will follow with all the papers published in the past that already aren’t on PubMed getting cited. We will keep you updated on the timelines.
THE WORLD HEPATITIS DAY 2014 on July 28th This year, 28th July was the 7th World Hepatitis Day,working in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO). Take a look at what was going on this year! http://www.worldhepatitisalliance.org/en/world-hepatitis-day-2014.html ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** APASL members are expected to get involved them and to report activities, campaigns etc. to share the experiences and feedbacks. Please kindly sent your report to APASL secretariat: apasl_secretariat@apasl.info We are looking forward to hearing a lot of news! ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** WHD observed at SIUT Pakistan Dr. Zaigham Abbas, Head Department of Hepatogastrioenterology, SIUT http://www.apasl.info/whd2014-pakistan.pdf WHD 2014 Report by Taiwan 2014 World Hepatitis Day … [Read more]
APASL COLLEGE 2014 – Enhancing Seniors and Training Juniors: The first wave of APASL College 2014 has been held in Guangzhou and Beijing successfully on 24-25 and 26-27 April respectively under the leadership of Prof. Jinlin Hou and Prof. Lai Wei.
Three thousand attendees, an excellent scientific program and outstanding presentations contributed to the success of this meeting. Thank you all for your great support and we look forward to seeing in APASL 2015 in Istanbul.
Program Booklet for APASL 2014 is now available. Click Here for details ! for further APASL 2014 information, please visit www.apasl2014.com
The Education Program on Chronic Hepatitis Disease will be held in China and Indonesia. The program is scheduled from April to June, in 2014 and 2015. It is organized by APASL, Chinese Infectious Diseases and Hepatology Societies, and CMA. The sponsor will provide funding to support the travel and accommodation for 60 young doctors and researchers with recommendation from their supervisors. Details of the Education Program on Chronic Hepatitis Disease in China can be downloaded by clicking below. educationprogram-2014china
The EASL Special Conference, Optimal Management of Hepatitis B Virus Infection is co-sponsored by the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL). The conference will be held on September 25-27, 2014 in Athens, Greece. For more information about the scientific program & registration process, please visit the EASL official website at http://www.easl.eu/_events/easl-special-conference/easl-special-conference-optimal-management-of-hepatitis-b-virus-infection.
PRE-REGISTRATION FOR APASL 2014 CLOSES 31 st JANUARY 2014 Click here to Register ! for further APASL 2014 information www.apasl2014.com
World Hepatitis Day 2013 World Hepatitis Day (28 July) is one of the highlights of the year. Whilst viral hepatitis is a global problem, the burden of disease in the Asia Pacific region is extraordinary. Participation in World Hepatitis Day emphasizes to our communities, governments and other international agencies, including WHO and the United Nation the need to address issues of transmission, surveillance, testing and treatment of this condition. We are planning to sponsor various programs on this day. Please let us know the plan to promote this special event in your country. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Report from Pakistan There are about 15 million … [Read more]
School of Hepatology 2013-2014 Apply for 2013-2014 positions; Last date 1st September 2013 APASL School of Hepatology at ILBS, New Delhi, India offers a continuous teaching and training covering diverse aspects in the field of Hepatology. A combination of lectures, clinical case-based discussions, and training in various procedures, with intense interaction and time for personal discussion and personalized training. <…Read more>
Future Meetings APASL 2014 in Brisbane March 12-15 2014 Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Center Hepatology: The New Era Begins APASL 2014 will show the world that the Asian Pacific Region is at the epicentre of liver disease – both in numbers of affected individuals, and now in the quality of its research contributions. APASL 2014 will feature an outstanding research workshop, an abundance of presidential, plenary and free papers, as well as multiple translational research symposia throughout the program will take this meeting to new levels. A postgraduate course devoted to viral hepatitis will allow our registrants to fully understand the new developments in this field. The postgraduate course will be … [Read more]
APASL School for Hepatology in New Delhi was successfully held in January 2012.
World Hepatitis Day is an annual event that each year provides international focus for patient groups and people living with hepatitis B and C. It is an opportunity around which interested groups can raise awareness and influence real change in disease prevention and access to testing and treatment. http://worldhepatitisalliance.org/WorldHepatitisDay.aspx
APASL Membership has the benefit of free access to online subscription of Hepatology International. At present APASL’s membership volume is rapidly growing. We look forward to extend this volume and welcome all interested candidates to be a part of APASL. Editor: M. Omata; S.K. Sarin ISSN: 1936-0533 (print version) ISSN: 1936-0541 (electronic version) Journal no. 12072