American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

AASLD is the leading organization of scientists and healthcare professionals committed to preventing and curing liver disease. AASLD was founded in 1950 by a small group of leading liver specialists (including Hans Popper, Leon Schiff, Fred Hoffbauer, Cecil Watson, Jesse Bollman, and Sheila Sherlock, to name a few) to bring together those who had contributed to the field of hepatology.
European Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

In the 47 years since EASL was founded, it has grown from a small organization that played host to 70 participants at its first meeting, to becoming the leading liver association in Europe. EASL attracts the foremost hepatology experts as members and has an impressive track record in promoting research in liver disease, supporting wider education, and promoting changes in european liver policy.
Asociación Latinoamericana para el Estudio del Hígado(ALEH)

The Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver (ALEH) was founded in São Paulo in 1968 under the leadership of Professor Silvano Raia, who initially thought of a society in South America. Thus was born ALEH, its first meeting was held in the city of São Paulo in 1968, with the participation of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Venezuela. Although these countries continue to have great importance in the organization of society, there was a significant expansion of the member countries now involving several nations in South America and Central America, highlighting Mexico.
Asian Pacific Digestive Week

The Asian Pacific Digestive Week (APDW) is an annual scientific meeting organized by four professional medical non-profit organizations, namely, the Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology (APAGE), the Asian Pacific Society of Digestive Endoscopy (APSDE), the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL), and the International Society for Digestive Surgery-Asian Pacific Section (ISDS) in collaboration with the member societies. These societies have common interest in diseases of the digestive system, including the oesophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestine and bowel.
World Health Organization (WHO)
We are building a better, healthier future for people all over the world.
Working with 194 Member States, across six regions, and from more than 150 offices, WHO staff are united in a shared commitment to achieve better health for everyone, everywhere.
Together we strive to combat diseases – communicable diseases like influenza and HIV, and noncommunicable diseases like cancer and heart disease.
We help mothers and children survive and thrive so they can look forward to a healthy old age. We ensure the safety of the air people breathe, the food they eat, the water they drink – and the medicines and vaccines they need.
World Hepatitis Alliance

The Alliance was registered as an Association in the State of Geneva, Switzerland on December 5th 2007, registration number CH-660-2785007-1.
As a coalition of advocacy groups, the World Hepatitis Alliance is a global voice for the 500 million people worldwide living with chronic viral hepatitis B or C.
American Gastroenterological Association
The American Gastroenterological Association is the trusted voice of the GI community. Founded in 1897, the AGA has grown to include 17,000 members from around the globe who are involved in all aspects of the science, practice and advancement of gastroenterology. The AGA Institute administers the practice, research and educational programs of the organization
Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology
Australasian Hepatology Association
Established for over 10 years, the Australasian Hepatology Association (AHA) is the peak professional body supporting and educating hepatology nurses and allied health professionals across Australia and New Zealand.
Since its inception in 2002, the AHA has become the voice of hepatology nurses and continues to build its capacity to provide ongoing professional development, educational resources, support and networking opportunities for nurses and allied health professionals.
Chinese Society of Gastroenterology
Chinese Society of Gastroenterology (CSG) was officially established in 1980. The idea of establishing CGS was proposed for the first time by some gastroenterologists at the National Congress of Internal Medicine that took place in Tianjin in 1964, which, however, was not conducted due to subsequent outbreak of Cultural Revolution. Fourteen years later, renowned discussion on the establishment of CSG during the 1st National Congress of Gastroenterology that was held in Hangzhou in November, 1978.At that point, the preparatory committee for CSG was set up. Two years later, i.e. 1980, the 1st National Congress of International Medicine took place in Guangzhou, during which, CSG was officially established. Hence, CSG was founded in Guangzhou in December 1980.
The Coalition to Eradicate Viral Hepatitis in Asia Pacific

The Coalition to Eradicate Viral Hepatitis in Asia Pacific (CEVHAP) is the first organization of its kind in the region, established as an independent, multidisciplinary body to advocate for public policy reform to reduce the burden of and ultimately eliminate viral hepatitis in Asia Pacific. Incorporated in October 2010, CEVHAP membership is comprised of many world-‐renowned hepatitis experts, including people living with the infections, utilizing the collective expertise of its members to assist the region through partnership with a broad range of stakeholders, including government bodies in public policy formation and health education.
Egyptian Association for the Study of Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease
Endoscopy Asia
Endoscopy Asia is a world class state of the art Teriary Care Institute for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Gastrointestinal and Pancreato-Biliary Endoscopy & gastroenterology, centrally located at Sion, Mumbai, India. Endoscopy Asia was inaugurated on the 23rd November, 2008 by His Holiness Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Founder of Isha Foundation, Coimbatore, India.
Euroasian Gastroenterological Association

Since 1996, when Euroasian colleagues met in international congresses or other meetings, a great enthusiasm and a friendly approach were the prominent feelings between us. We were always thinking that we must do something in the Euroasian Basin for our speciality, something to unite us as a family, a tool to help each other, a weapon to strengthen and maintain our relationships.
Foundation for Liver Research

The Foundation for Liver Research was established in 1974 to develop and extend research into diseases of the human liver and to enhance medical research generally.
For over 30 years the Foundation has supported ground-breaking research programmes into liver disease under the direction of Professor Roger Williams, CBE. This work is carried out within the purpose-built Institute of Hepatology located on the King's College campus in Denmark Hill. The Institute provides laboratory space for up to 40 scientists and is now affiliated to King's College London. Research is organised around major research projects within the overall theme of Liver Cell Injury and Repair. Current areas of research include liver immunology and inflammation, alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver disease, viral hepatitis, liver metabolism and cancer, liver cell injury and metabolomic studies.
European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN)
The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) is a multi-professional organisation whose aim is to promote the health of children with special attention to the gastrointestinal tract, liver and nutritional status, through knowledge creation, the dissemination of science based information, the promotion of best practice in the delivery of care and the provision of high quality education for paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition professionals in Europe and beyond.
Gastroenterological Society of Australia
Founded in 1959, GESA has grown from a small group of practising Gastroenterologists to a large organisation with over 1,000 members.
GESA membership includes all professionals dedicated to gastroenterological health and patient care. Mentoring, the sharing of knowledge and dedication to professional growth and development are among the core values of GESA and its members.
The membership includes Fellows and Members of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons interested in the study of gastroenterology. It also extends to medical graduates and trainees, pathologists, radiologists, scientists, allied health professionals, dietitians, and others interested in the science, study or practice of gastroenterology.
Gastroenterological Society of Singapore
The Gatroenterological Society of Singapore was formed in the mid 1980s. The objectives of the society are:
1.To advance the knowledge and practices of gastroenterology in Singapore
2.To promote research in gastroenterology in Singapore hospitals
3.To promote regional and international cooperation in gastroenterology.
4.To organize meetings, seminars, conventions and publish materials to educate doctors, nurses and the public in the field of gastroenteroloy.
To date, the society has held annual scientific meetings, organized National Endoscopy Workshops, and published newsletters containing hundreds of relevant articles.It has also incorporated nurses to be part of the society.
The Gastroenterological Society of Singapore has collaborated with the American Gastroenterolgical Association to hold the first Asian AGA meeting in Singapore in 1995. The society was also the host of the highly successful APDW2003 meeting.
The Gastroenterological Association of Thailand
The Gastroenterological Association of Thailand was founded by Professor Vikit Viranuvatti on 19 July 1960. With the starting members of 34, the association has been grown up successfully and become one of the prestigious professional of Thailand an of the World. The Gastroenterological Association of Thailand (GAT) has continuously dedicated to research, professional education, and patient care in all areas of digestive disease, in support of the social health of all Thais.
Hepatology Society of the Philippines (HSP)
The Hepatology Society of the Philippines is the only liver society recognized by the PMA, PCP, PSG and PSDE. HSP provides research, education and advocacy on liver health and liver related diseases.We are the lead national organization committed to the study of the liver in health and disease, involved in research, education, advocacy and formulation of national health policies in partnership with the global community.
The Hong Kong Society of Gastroenterology
1. To promote the advancement of Gastroenterology including continuous education of the medical profession on Gastroenterology. 2.To promote friendship amongst those who have an active interest in Gastroenterology. 3.To stimulate public interest and provide public education in the prevention and treatment of Gastroenterological diseases.
Indian National Association for Study of the Liver (INASL)
Liver was considered to be an inseparable part of the gut, when the Indian Society of Gastroenterology was formed in 1960 as a breakaway group from the Association of Physicians of India. Possibly the parent association was unable to accommodate the requirement of those who then thought that Gastroenterology had advanced to a level that justified a separate existence. The new Society fulfilled its promise by organizing excellent academic programs year after year. Nearly a decade and half later, during the annual meeting of 1973 in the cool surrounding of Ootacamund, some gastroenterologists led by Dr. SK Sama of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, and Dr. DV Datta of Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, felt that liver too deserved a separate existence. Two years later, a separate liver study group was formed, along with similar groups representing other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
These groups were allotted 90-minute parallel sessions during the annual meeting.In 1979, Dr. FP Antia led like-minded colleagues to register a society named Liver Study Group of India at Mumbai. The registration document bore the signatures of Dr. Antia, Dr. HG Desai and Dr. RH Kalro. The Liver Study Group of India in 1992 changed its name to the Indian Association for the Study of the Liver, popularly known as INASL, to fall in line with international nomenclature for liver associations, with no basic changes in its constitution, bye laws or other features. The association has grown from strength to strength with contributions from pioneers such as Drs.
Indonesian Association for the Study of the Liver
Perhimpunan Peneliti Hati Indonesia (PPHI) or Indonesian Association for the Study of the Liver (Ina ASL) was established in March 27, 1978 and chaired by Prof. Dr. RTL. Pang, Sp.PD, KGEH (1st President), Prof. Dr. H. M. Sjaifoellah Noer, MD, SpPD, KGEH (2nd President), Prof. Dr. Nurul Akbar, Sp.PD, KGEH (3rd President) and Prof. Dr. Laurentius A. Lesmana, Ph.D, Sp.PD, KGEH, FACG, FACP (4th President) who also the president of the APASL Bali 2005, the 1st China-Indonesia Joint International Symposium on Hepatobiliary Medicine and Surgery (1st CISHMS) Bali 2007 and 2nd CISHMS Jakarta 2010 conference. The past President is Dr. Unggul Budihusodo, Sp.PD, KGEH (5th President). And our current President is Dr. dr. Rino Alvani Gani, Sp.PD, KGEH.
International Coalition of Hepatology Education Providers

The International Coalition of Hepatology Education Providers (IC-HEP) is a global collaboration of leading educational providers dedicated to providing healthcare professionals the most current information and clinically meaningful education on hepatitis, with special focus on chronic hepatitis C. Partnering with medical societies and global medical education providers, the goal of IC-HEP is to establish the premier platform for dissemination of education and information to healthcare providers across the globe.
IC-HEP will identify and prioritize global medical education needs through a collaboration of leading medical experts, medical education providers, universities, and communications companies.
The International Liver Cancer Association

The International Liver Cancer Association (ILCA) is the only international organisation devoted exclusively to liver cancer research for experts from all related disciplines. ILCA aspires towards advancing research in the pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment of liver cancer. ILCA will do so by promoting novel pathogenic, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for liver cancer by taking a transversal approach to research and bringing together scientists, physicians and allied professionals from all interrelated fields.
International Society for Hepatic Sinusoidal Research(ISHSR)

The ISHSR was established in December 2008 to serve as a non-profit organization to promote education, basic and translational research on the cells of the hepatic sinusoid including liver parenchymal cells. It promotes science on cell and molecular biology of each cell type and cross-talk among these cell types in health and disease during an entire life span.
The ISHSR supports the Liver Sinusoid Meeting, formally called International Kupffer Cell Symposium (1977-1988) and International Symposium on Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid: ISCHS (1990-2008).
The ISHSR currently has more than 150 members from 20 nations who are primarily interested in hepatic sinusoidal cells such as sinusoidal endothelial cells, Kupffer cells, hepatic stellate cells, cholangiocytes, NK cells, and hepatocytes.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation (JGHF)
The JGH Foundation has been established for the advancement of medicine, medical research and education, training, and research in general, in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology, within the Asia Pacific region. Its overall aim is to enhance the quality of medical practice and the health of the communities concerned.
The JGH Foundation provides support in a number of ways for major scientific meetings in the region, acts as a source of advice for editors and the publisher of the journal, and assists in developing evidence based guidelines for clinical practice in gastroenterology and hepatology.
The JGH Foundation hopes that the infusion of much needed capital for the development of gastroenterology in the Asia Pacific region will ensure a period of unprecedented growth and improvement in the specialty.
Ownership of the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (JGH) is the dual responsibility of the publisher (Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia) and the JGH Foundation, which makes it different in this respect from national and specialty journals.
Korean Society of Gastroenterology
Established in 1961, the Korean Society of Gastroenterology (KSG) is committed to the development of Korean gastroenterology by providing its members with qualitative education and training and encouraging the active exchange of scientific knowledge.
The society is proud to have an active members of over 1908 which includes academics and research leaders and variety of clinicians specializing in gastroenterology (internal medicine, surgery, radiology, pathology and so on).
With a half-century of history as its foundation, the Korean Society of Gastroenterology will continue to build on its roots within the scientific and medical accomplishments of its past and present members in the fields of gastrointestinal, hepatic and pancreatobiliary diseases, so that the young researchers of tomorrow can achieve even greater feats in the field of gastroenterology.
Malaysian Liver Foundation(MLF)
Malaysian Society of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology Inc.
The New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology was founded during a meeting of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians held in Auckland, 16–19 February 1966. Dr Alan Cameron was the Foundation President. The Society remains closely associated with the RACP.
In 1976, the Gastroenterological Society of Australia presented to the NZSG the President's Badge of Office as a token of goodwill. The form of the badge is a representation of the Kiwi alimentary tract, made in silver, and bearing the name Apteryx, which is the genus to which the kiwi belongs. The badge was presented in a red box, representing blood, and the ribbon is green representing bile, both important in gastroenterology. The silver of the badge also has gastroenterological meaning as silver salts were an early remedy for gastric disorders.
Pakistan Society for the Study of Liver Diseases(PSSLD)
The Pakistan Society for the Study of Liver Diseases (PSSLD) is the leading organization of professionals committed to the prevention and cure of liver diseases. PSSLD comprises scientists and healthcare personnel from across Pakistan who are devoted to this cause. Mentoring, sharing knowledge and dedication to professional growth and development are among the core values of PSSLD and its members.
It is only in the recent times that Hepatology has been recognized as a discipline in Pakistan. PSSLD has been elemental in playing a seminal and unifying role to focus interest on liver problems. Among other initiatives, PSSLD has been educating medical community and public about liver diseases by organizing scientific and public awareness programs.
PSSLD sponsors one annual meeting and a number of Single Topic Conferences each year. Our quarterly publication informs about the activity of the Society undertaken in the last quarter, includes updates about coming events and important meetings. Journal of the PSSLD would be launched at an appropriate time as the society would grow in maturity and strength.
In Pakistan, liver transplantation is still not widely available and PSSLD continues its efforts for developing this facility, at the earliest, in public/private sector by influencing the policy makers.
Pakistan Society of Gastroenterology & GI Endoscopy
Pakistan Society of Gastroenterology and GI Endoscopy has the objective to bring close the doctors interested and practicing this field. It also provides with the platform to share and disseminate knowledge regarding new development in this field.
South Asian Association for the Study of the Liver
More than 300 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) globally, and a large proportion of these reside in South Asia. HBV remains the main etiology for all forms of chronic liver diseases ranging from chronic hepatitis to cirrhosis of liver to hepatocellular carcinoma in South Asia.
The region is also faced with an emerging epidemic of fatty liver affecting all age groups in view of the propensity of South Asians for central obesity and metabolic syndrome.
On the other Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has become a major public health menace in Pakistan and Northern India. Although the region is among the fastest growing economies, significant percentage of the population of this region is still under poverty line and illiteracy is also a concern, not to mention social taboos, local customs, dependence on traditional medicines and so on.
Besides, these are major other deterrents in this region such as treatment affordability and compliance. Lack of adequate Hepatologists, Gastroenterologists and specialists trained in managing liver diseases is also a major problem.
In this context, there was a need for an Association to foster greater cooperation amongst the hepatologists of this region and their national associations, and translate the advances in hepatology into greater benefits for the practitioners of hepatology as well as the citizens of South Asian countries.
With this background, the South Asian Association for Study of the Liver (SAASL) was constituted in Dhaka on October 6, 2012 in a meeting held at Ruposhi Bangla Hotel during the 3rd Asian Pacific Association for Study of the Liver (APASL) STC on HBV.
Thai Association for the Study of the Liver
Since Australia Antigen Hepatitis B Antigen Hepatitis C was discovered, there have been many breakthroughs and publications as well as specialists. This led to the foundation of the Association for the Study of the Liver. A lot of academic conferences have been held to share knowledge and present research publications among members in the country and around the world. Dr. Termchai Chainuvati pointed out that Thailand should do the same since a lot of liver physicians and specialists have been all ready for Thailand, then, Thai club for the Study of the Liver was founded in 2000 with the purposes of publishing and sharing researches between members and the physicians interested and providing the knowledge and enhancing people better information and understanding of hepatitis. After that, Thai club of the study of the Liver changed its name to Thai Association for the Study of the Liver and the responsibility of providing knowledge to the people about hepatitis was for the Liver foundation of which Dr. Termchai Chainuwat has been the president.
World Endoscopy Organization (WEO)
WEO was established in 1962 during the World Congress of Gastroenterology in Munich, Germany. Up until 2010 the society was known as “Organisation Mondiale d'Endoscopie Digestive” (OMED) when the name was changed to the “World Endoscopy Organization” (WEO).
WEO hosts the entire endoscopic aspect of the quadrennial World Congress of Gastroenterology, and runs many workshops and programs for education in endoscopy. Among these are the Endoscopy Director’s Workshop, the Program for Endoscopic Teachers, the Advanced Diagnostic Endoscopy Course and the Video Capsule Course. The Outreach program has opened many new or renovated endoscopy units throughout the world and works closely with industry in this endeavor. There are 18 affiliated Centers of Excellence in Endoscopy which represent the pinnacle of quality and experience in this field. These Centers are renowned for education and teaching endoscopy. The news about WEO is sent through a bimonthly Newsletter, and is published in our associated journal, Digestive Endoscopy. In all of these areas, WEO is the voice of Endoscopy.
World Gastroenterology Organisation(WGO)
The World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO) is a federation of over 100 Member Societies and four Regional Associations of gastroenterology representing over 50,000 individual members worldwide.
The WGO, a 501 (c)(3) organization, focuses on the improvement of standards in training, education, and the practice of Gastroenterology and Hepatology worldwide with a focus on low-resource nations. Our educational initiatives include Training Centers around the world, Train the Trainers Workshops, Outreach Programs bringing endoscopic services and equipment to developing countries, public awareness campaigns such as World Digestive Health Day and Global Guidelines with a special Cascade feature providing solutions adaptable to varying resource levels around the world.
The WGO Foundation, incorporated in 2007, is dedicated to raising funds to support WGO educational programs and activities. Donors interested in supporting the work of the WGO are invited to visit this section for further information and opportunities to give.