The Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver [APASL]

Dear Members,
Sub: Indexing of Hepatology International in THE MEDLINE and increased scope for submission of Original Research Papers
Greetings from Hepatology International!!
As the year 2015 comes to a close, we would once again take this opportunity to share with you the greatest milestone achieved by Hepatology International this year: “Of being indexed in the Medline.”
Also, all the papers – from 2011 to the most current – are now available on PubMed for reference.
This recognition definitely lends significant momentum to dedicate more to our Journal and take it to a higher academic stature than before.
In the same fervor and spirit, may we then ask you to contribute more original research papers that will not only add value to the readability index, but consequently increase the citations and the Impact Factor.
As distinguished members of APASL, we believe that the onus lies on each of us to add to the scientific value of the research content of the journal and strengthen it year on year.
On this note, we hope to receive your active support by contributing latest research studies for publication in the journal.
With best regards
Professor Masao Omata, Professor Shiv K. Sarin